Tracking America's Billionaires (and their Corporations)
So you're curious about tracking airplanes or maybe you're just curious who that jet that's flying overhead belongs to. Usually if you live in a big city the airplanes overhead are commercial airliners. If you live in a popular destination, sometimes those planes could belong to a billionaire. But how would you know? I wanted to make it easy to track America's billionaires and their corporations and this post should do just that.
I wanted to share a post for tracking the wealthiest Americans - the richest person from each US State. In some cases, the planes listed below are a single person who's wealthy and only has one airplane. However in most cases, the richest person in a State has typically made their wealth through a company that they've started and sometimes these companies have multiple aircraft. In this case, I've included the multiple aircraft. I wanted the list to be comprised of legit data and not guesswork. Also, you'll note that not ever state is listed. Not every state has a billionaire. Even with the research I've done to compile this list, I want to emphasize, as always, that it's possible that I'm wrong. If I've made a mistake in my research, please reach out to me directly:
As a side note, tracking all of these people will be available as a one-click button in the next version of the RadarSpots Chrome Extension.

Before we get into it, let's talk about the data and research. I based this project on the Forbes 2021 Billionaires list. I realize it's 2022 now, but Forbes is the Gold Standard when it comes to making lists about billionaires. In my research, I learned that some people just don't use private aircraft, or live such private lives that searching for them turned up nothing. With the Forbes list, I was able to find aircraft of people/companies from 27 states. The remaining states included people that fell into the category of not having private aircraft, or leading such private lives that I couldn't find anything. In a select few cases, I have included the next wealthiest for that state. However, in an effort to not go down an unnecessary rabbit hole, the list will stand as is.

Some of the people in the list are well-known jet owners. Elon Musk is one. Jeff Bezos is another. Those were easy to find with some data I have on file cross referenced with online sources. Many of these people are the heads of companies. For the people that run companies, I've had success finding the aircraft associated with them by cross referencing the address of their corporate HQ with SEC data or by doing reverse searches with the FAA.
Onto the good stuff! I'll include a list of the states below, each with the person associated with it. I'll add the data source/search method that I used to determine the ownership as well as a link to track that particular aircraft. At the bottom of this list, you'll see a link to see them all on the map at the same time. A huge thanks and shoutout to those folks is always in order. ADSBexchange is the best aircraft tracker on the web. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, so if you have an issue with the data I'm about to list, please reach out to me directly.
- Arizona - Ernest GarciaThe Garcia family started car dealerships as well as Carvana. These aircraft were found via an FAA reverse search to Verde Capital which Garcia is involved with. These are also listed in corporate 10-K filings.
- N50VC -
- N650VC -
- Arkansas - Jim Walton
- I couldn't find Jim Walton specifically. If you know the tail number of his jet please email me
- KW Flight LLC is known for Walton Family travel. Found via Google searches.
- N218KF -
- N729KF -
- California -
Mark ZuckerbergLaureen Powell Jobs - I couldn't find anything about Zuckerberg or FB/Meta jets. I didn't want California to go unrepresented so instead we'll include the 4th richest Californian, Laureen Powell Jobs
- N2N -
- Colorado - Philip Anschutz
- Found via reverse FAA search of the Anschutz Corp
- N14NA -
- N154LA -
- N10AZ -
- Connecticut - Ray Dalio
- I couldn't find anything about Ray Dalio. If you know the tail number please email me
- Florida - Thomas Peterffy
- I couldn't find anything about Thomas Peterffy. If you know the tail number please email me
- Georgia - Jim Kennedy
- Jim Kennedy is the CEO of Cox. Cox has several enterprises, however the ones listed below came back via FAA reverse search.
- N1540 -
- N1640 -
- N1040C -
- N1040 -
- Hawaii - Larry Ellison
- Larry Ellison's aircraft is well known in the aircraft tracking community. He registers it through a company named Wing and a Prayer Aviation. There are other planes that may be associated with him through that company, but this is the one that I think he travels on
- N817GS -
- Idaho - Frank Vandersloot
- These planes came back to Frank Vandersloot via an FAA search and Riverbend Enterprises
- N922BF -
- N45VB -
- N125KJ -
- Illinois - Ken Griffin
- I found Ken Griffin's planes by reverse searching Citadel's address with the FAA. There was another plane registered to a hangar at Midway Airport in Chicago that came back to Griffin after going down a deep rabbit hole.
- N421AL -
- N302AK -
- Indiana - Carl Cook
- Carl Cook is the CEO of the Cook Group. I found this aircraft by reverse searching the FAA database with the Cook Group corporate HQ
- N500M -
- Iowa - Harry Stine
- Harry Stine is the founder of Stine Seeds. I found this aircraft by reverse searching the Stine Seeds corporate address with FAA data
- N714G -
- Kansas - Charles Koch
- I couldn't find anything about Charles Koch. If you know the tail number please email me
- Kentucky - Tamara Gustavson
- I couldn't find anything about Tamara Gustavson. If you know the tail number please email me
- Louisiana - Gayle Benson
- Gayle Benson is the widow of Tom Benson. This aircraft was easy to find by cross referencing the New Orleans Saints address with FAA data
- N411ST -
- Maine - Susan Alfond
- I couldn't find anything about Susan Alfond. If you know the tail number please email me
- Maryland - Mitchell Rales
- Michell Rales is the co-founder of the Danaher Corporation. It is a publicly traded company. I found these aircraft with the Danaher SEC corporate 10-K filings.
- N886DC -
- N807DC -
- Massachussetts - Abigail Johnson
- I couldn't find anything about Abigail Johnson. If you know the tail number please email me
- Michigan - Daniel Gilbert
- Dan Gilbert is the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. His jet was easy to find when cross referencing data I already had with some Google searches.
- N505UP -
- Minnesota - Glen Taylor
- This was found with a reverse FAA search to the Taylor company corporate HQ address
- N441GT -
- Mississippi - Thomas Duff & James Duff
- I found these aircraft by reverse searching the FAA database to their corporate HQ address
- N3ST -
- N4ST -
- N8ST -
- Missouri - Pauline Keinath
- I found these aircraft by reverse searching the FAA database to the Cargill HQ address
- N7000C -
- N7100C -
- Montana - Dennis Washington
- I found this aircraft with a reverse FAA search to Washington Companies
- N162WC -
- Nebraska - Warren Buffett
- Warren Buffett is a stakeholder in NetJets. It's unlikely that he owns a jet. If he does, I couldn't find it. If you know a tail number for Mr. Buffett, please email me.
- Nevada - Miriam Adelson
- Miriam Adelson is the widow of Sheldon Adelson and the majority stakeholder of the Las Vegas Sands. Without knowing which airplane that Miriam uses most often, if any, I'll include them all.
- VP-BLK -
- VQ-BMS -
- N336LS -
- N337LS -
- N338LS -
- N339LS -
- N38LS -
- N588LS -
- N688LS -
- N883LS -
- N886LS -
- N889LS -
- N972MS -
- N988LS -
- N992MS -
- New Jersey - Rocco Commisso
- I couldn't find anything about Rocco Commisso. If you know the tail number please email me
- New Mexico - Ron Corio
- I couldn't find anything about Ron Corio. If you know the tail number please email me
- New York - Michael Bloomberg
- Bloomberg registers his aircraft to a company called Rotor and Wing LLC
- N10MV -
- N32DZ -
- N43NG -
- N47EG -
- N5MV -
- N6MV -
- N8AG -
- North Carolina - James Goodnight
- The aircraft for James Goodnight were found with a reverse search to his company's corporate HQ - SAS Institute
- N7600 -
- N7600G -
- N7600K -
- N7600L -
- N7600P -
- N7600S -
- Ohio - Les Wexner
- The aircraft associated with Les Wexner were found with a reverse search to the L Brands/Victoria's Secret company HQ
- N200LS -
- N501LS -
- N900LS -
- N605CL -
- N500LS -
- Oklahoma - Tom & Judy Love
- Found with FAA reverse search to their corporate HQ
- N104LV -
- N214LV -
- N400LV -
- N550LV -
- Oregon - Phil Knight
- Phil Knight is well known in the aviation tracking community. His aircraft was found cross referencing information I already had with some online searches. The registration number N19HT is also a giveaway that it's Knight's jet.
- N19HT -
- Pennsylvania - Jeff Yass
- I couldn't find anything about Jeff Yass. If you know the tail number please email me
- Rhode Island - Jonathan Nelson
- Jonathan Nelson's aircraft were found with reverse searches to Providence Equity's corporate HQ
- N181J -
- N10CP -
- South Carolina - Anita Zucker
- Anita Zucker's aircraft was found with a reverse search to InterTech Group's address
- N613R -
- South Dakota - T Denny Sanford
- I couldn't find anything about T Denny Sanford. If you know the tail number please email me
- Tennessee - Thomas Frist Jr.
- Thomas Frist Jr. is the co-founder of HCA Healthcare. The company that HCA Healthcare's aircraft are registered to is HCA Squared LLC. These aircraft were found with reverse searches to HCA's address.
- N68HC -
- N868MJ -
- N868SH -
- Texas - Elon MuskElon Musk is well known in the aviation tracking community. The company his aircraft are registered to is Falcon Landing LLC
- N628TS -
- Utah - Matthew Prince
- I couldn't find anything about Matthew Prince. If you know the tail number please email me
- Virginia - Jacqueline Mars
- I couldn't find anything about Jacqueline Mars. If you know the tail number please email me
- Washington - Jeff Bezos
- Jeff Bezos is well known in the aviation tracking community. The company his aircraft are registered to is Poplar Glen LLC. There are multiple planes but this is the one I'm confident he flies on.
- N271DV -
- Wisconsin - John Menard Jr.
- Found with FAA reverse search to their corporate HQ
- N538M -
- N540M -
- N548M -
- N549M -
- N563M -
- N564M -
- N585M -
- N586M -
- Wyoming - John Mars
- I couldn't find anything about John Mars. If you know the tail number please email me
And finally if you want to see everyone at the same time, you can hit the link below. Keep in mind, if a plane is gray, it means it's on the ground. If a plane shows up at all, it has flown in the past 24 hours, but it's not necessarily in the air right now.
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