Donald Trump in Augusta for The Masters? There is slight speculation here, but I suppose that's not unique to this post. I'm a big fan of aviation. I'm a big fan of looking at the globe.adsbexchange map and seeing what's there. I'm a huge fan of
We've rebranded....again Hi. Today is 4/5/22. In the past 2 years, my Google Chrome extension has rebranded a couple of times. This blog is only 2 months old and has already changed names twice as well. The purpose of this post is to provide a little clarity on today'
Breaking: Tiger Woods Airborne Northbound from Florida Is this really happening? Is The Goat playing in this year's Masters Tournament after all? There was tons of speculation last week and this week about maybe Tiger playing in the Wednesday Par 3, or perhaps the whole week. There were Tiger sightings at his home club, Medalist,
Eyes in the Sky for Biden in Poland It is 9:34am EDT time for me. It is 2:34pm in Poland, where US President Joe Biden is today. Biden was in Brussels yesterday for an emergency NATO meeting where he met with other world leaders in the midst of the Russia/Ukraine war. The trip to Poland
Biden & Co en route to Europe AF1 just took off. Before it was an E4B (doomsday plane) []. There's also action from two C-32's, a C-40C, and a US Army C-37B that all appear to be headed in the same direction on the same route. Biden
Tracking the 400+ Russian planes refusing to acknowledge Bermuda's certificate revocation Was revoking the airworthiness of Russian jets "enough"? Are Russian jets still flying around the world?
Where did AirBridgeCargo planes fly from last? I read in an interesting article [] today on The article suggests that AirBridgeCargo, a subsidiary of Volga-Dnepr Group violated US sanctions by relocating their 747 fleet [] back to Russia. I did some digging to figure out where